Sunday, January 29, 2012

Alien Invasion?

Not really. Just a green fish.
A Green Chromis.
I am now accepting offers for naming rights. Name suggestions will be considered, but management retains all rights to names not accompanied with an offer. Suggested names are favored with references to his color. The following are some easy suggestion although a little obvious.
  1. Greeny
  2. Booger
  3. Limey
  4. Green Fish
  5. Hulk
  6. (your suggestion here)

 Added some new hardware this week too!
You can see the pump above. This is for water circulation inside the tank. There is another pump on the opposite side. The pumps are variable speed and synchronized to create a flow pattern in the tank that mimics a reef zone. You can see the tank side below.

 Below are the speed controllers for he tank pumps.

Sponge Bob is patiently waiting his turn.

Control Central.

This is the brains of the operation: An Apex aquarium controller, a power strip with 8 switchable outlets, a probe module to connect a temperature probe and a PH probe, a Wireless Variable speed module for pump control, a digital heater temperature control, and the display. This system will run all the pumps, heaters, lights, maintenance cycles, feeding cycles, and even email me it there is a problem. Currently I have it connected on the home network. I still have to figure out how to make it accessible from the Internet.

Next week -- maybe a new fish and the clean up crew (crabs, snails, and shrimp)
Lots to do yet.
Back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the setup... working on some names:

    1. Green Lantern
    2. I, II, III (if the three have no distinguishing features...)
    3. The Wickersham Brothers
    4. Machine Gun Kelly (and other infamous bad-boys)

    But, I fully support the name Booger as well. Be sure to post the winners.

    Get the gear connected to the net yet? Take a screen shot so we can see the interface, please.

